Saturday 29 September 2012

Labour & Delivery with my son.

So this is a brief story of my labour & delivery with my son. 

I don't remember every detail as it was over two years ago now but I'll share everything i do remember with you.

Long before all the pain.

After a long walk home from a friends house on 25/05/2010, my waters broke the following morning at about 9.30am. I was in bed at the time and luckily it wasn't one great big gush but actually trickled until Connor was born. I don't remember seeing my mucus plug but obviously it had vacated at some point. 
Anyway i got to the hospital for around 11.30am and was hooked up to a machine to monitor the contractions and baby's heart. 

Lookin' GOOD

I don't remember being in pain at this point but looking at this picture i don't look comfortable. I know if i wasn't at least it shortly followed. Everything after this is pretty hazy but i was moved to my own room with en-suite woop woop and was given gas and air at some point which i found disgusting and made me feel worse. 

Feeling awful.

i had actually planned on a water birth but by 10.30pm i was just over 3cm's dilated and needed to be at least 4cm to get in the big bath. The midwives could see i was already exhausted and in a lot of pain and decided the best thing for me and baby was to induce me by a drip, this meant alot more pain very quickly to increase my contractions, so i was advised to have an epidural. I never wanted an epidural from learning about them and the dangers in child development when i was at school but pain soon changed that. 

By 11.30pm i was all hooked up, epidural in, a glamorous catheter, inducing fluid drip. The epidural was AMAZING all the contraction pain had disappeared but now replaced with only what i can describe as the urge to push. I pushed from then until Connor was born even though it isn't advised, but i felt the urge. I drifted in and out of sleep as much as i could between being examined and needing to push but finally Connor graced the world at 8.05am 27/05/2010 i didn't tear and i don't remember exactly how long i pushed but i think it was around an hour. 

Just born. 6lbs 3.5oz

Shortly after this i threw up over my shoulder to the left... Labour is so sexy.

Beautiful Boy

So Proud


 So tiny such a blessing.

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